Installation Spotlight: Seminyak Sheraton Hotel

Four Points by Sheraton in Seminyak, Bali is a luxurious escape located in one of the most well-known districts within the country. In 2017, the resort-style hotel chose to enhance its outdoor lounge with high-quality artificial grass. Four Points sought a turf system that would stay green and lush year round and withstand all weather conditions of Bali’s climate. 

The artificial landscape grass from Act Global was selected based on its reputation of synthesizing the strength and durability of world-class sports turf with the luxurious aesthetics and feel of natural grass. 

This beautiful installation was achieved by our international partner, Premium Interindo.  Premium Interindo is one of Indonesia’s top-rated suppliers of high-quality flooring with specific expertise in supplying artificial grass for leisure and for sport. Premium Internidoshares a mission with Act Global to provide the professional consultation, superior customer satisfaction, and expert appreciation of product acquired.

Turfscape is the authentic artificial landscape grass by Act Global. This brand of turf represents environmentally friendly, natural-looking synthetic grass solutions for lawns, road medians, pool decks, patios, rooftops, apartments, hotels and more.

Check out our synthetic grass line for all of your lawn needs!

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