How to Shorten Your Yard Work To-Do List

Today marks the first day of summer which means people are spending more time outdoors and are participating in more activities for leisure and enjoyment. The summer months are filled with parties surrounded by friends and family and vacations to bright new cities. Whatever your favorite thing to do during the summer, as a homeowner, you should have the freedom to participate without being burdened with time-consuming housework and yard work. 

Having a perfect, entertaining-ready, yard requires a significant commitment of time and money with natural grass and usually necessitates growth-enhancing chemicals and pesticides. However, homeowners can free themselves from regular applications of fertilizers and weekly mowing by converting to a high-quality artificial grass lawn. Turfscape’s synthetic landscape turf is perfect for homeowners searching for a more convenient grass option that looks lush and luxurious year-round. With a complete offering of grass systems in different color options, Turfscape’s synthetic grasses are perfect for any lifestyle, traffic areas, and aesthetic. This means that regardless of the number of parties you host or the variance in weather, your yard can look and feel like it’s in perfect condition all summer long.

Turfscape will also save you water- on average 55 gallons per square foot per year. 

Check out our synthetic grass line for all of your lawn needs!

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