A Family Friendly Backyard With Something for Everyone

A Family Friendly Backyard With Something for Everyone

Designing a backyard space that is inclusive for the whole family can be daunting. How can one space be so versatile that both kids and adults genuinely love to spend time outdoors? How can you encourage your children to spend hours outdoors being active while you leisurely enjoy the afternoon and evening in the same area? […]

Join Our Partner Network

Join Our Partner Network

As the market for artificial grass landscapes continues to expand across the nation, more consumers are making a conscious effort to select high-quality, American made products that are proven to be safe, long-lasting, and functional. Each year more and more families and communities recognize the environmental and economic benefit in synthetic turf. As their conversions increase, […]

Partner Spotlight: Great American Green

Partner Spotlight: Great American Green

Turfscape takes time to select partners that are as dedicated to improving our world through the use of synthetic turf as we are. We work with installers that recognize the potential for positive change artificial grass possesses and that are excited to implement our systems throughout their communities. Each of our trusted partners expands on […]

Partner Spotlight: Turfscapes

Partner Spotlight: Turfscapes

Turfscape takes time to select partners that are as dedicated to improving our world through the use of synthetic turf as we are. We work with installers that recognize the potential for positive change artificial grass possesses and that are excited to implement our systems throughout their communities. Each of our trusted partners expands on […] Upgrade Your Landscape Upgrade Your Landscape

From the design to the everyday usability of our artificial grass, our Turfsacpe team is committed to providing high-quality products that enhance the lives of our consumers.  With the introduction of our online shop, we make it easy for property owners to find, select, and install the perfect artificial grass system for their individual needs. […]